The New Normal

We are in unique times, lockdown has kept us apart but somehow it seems people are closer than ever before, albeit not physically.
Whilst it seems we are winning the fight against the coronavirus and whispers of schools re-opening can be heard escaping the lips of our countries leaders, there is no better time for us to raise awareness of our Mobile & Portable wash hand basins. We offer these at the lowest price possible to ensure safe working environments as we start to gather together once again.
H20, our beloved aid in hygiene is of course not just limited for washing away any of the bad things we may come into contact with, it also makes quite the thirst quencher, this is why we are proud to offer our fantastic and affordable Bottle Filler Taps.
We have also decided to take 50% off of our Infrared Taps during this time; again this ensures minimal contact with any surfaces to help prevent the spread of any germs or virus. We also have Self-Closing Taps which are also effective at controlling the spread.
Hopefully normality will soon begin for us, but let’s try and make the new normal more considerate and hygienic than the previous normal. Taking small steps we can help look after each other and assist our fantastic NHS better than ever before.
Stay safe and thanks for sticking with us, even if it’s two metres away.
- Joe Gordon